Magpie Tutored Beer Tasting

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Our Nottingham correspondent has made contact with both Magpie and Flipside breweries, who work together to arrange an on-line beer tasting.

Flipside do the tutored tasting and supply one of the beers with the other 5 coming from Magpie. Distribution is being made to one central point in Aberdeen and then we can all collect from there (separate arrangements can be made for Cambridge deliveries).

The beers for our tasting with Magpie/Flipside are:

  • Flipside: Sterling Pale (3.9%)
  • Magpie: Green Hopped Hoppily (3.8%)
  • Magpie: Jay IPA (5.2%)
  • Magpie: Joyous Bliss Marshmallow (4.4%)
  • Magpie: Cherry Raven (4.4%)
  • Magpie: Breakfast Brew (4.9%)

Date for this ws Wednesday 28 July. A dozen people expressed an interest in taking part, and attendance is open to all branch members. The cost per half dozen (500 ml) bottles is less than £13 per head, including delivery. 

UPDATE: 7/8/21

When the tasting votes were collate:

  1. Jay IPA
  2. Cherry Raven
  3. Bread Brew'd (Breakfast beer)
  4. Joyous Bliss
  5. Green Hop
  6. Sterling Pale

Points to note: not one of the individual voters had the beers in this order and in fact nobody even had the 1-2-3 in the above order. Again this just goes to show what a diverse lot we are and that if we all liked the same things it would be a much less interesting world.


Last modified
Sat, 07 Aug 2021