Branch Diary

Why not attend the Branch AGM at our award winning Pub of the Year.
Find out which Grampian and Norther Isles pubs will be in the next Good Beer Guide ....
Festive Social starting in the Globe Inn at 2pm on Saturday 29th December
A formal branch meeting up the stairs on the balcony in McGinty's, then an informal wander as we see fit.
A branch social starting in the Howff at 5pm then wandering as we see fit.
Hitch a lift to visit the New Inn at Aberchirder.
The next branch meeting will be held at Archibald Simpsons on Wednesday 23rd October at 7:30pm.
CAMRA’s AGM will take place on the morning of Saturday 27th April 2024 at the Caird Hall, City Square, Dundee.
'Shire 2024 Pub of the Year is the Redgarth in Oldmeldrum. There will be a presentation there at 1pm on Saturday 23rd March
Globe Pub of the Year Presentation
The first day of the 10-day Wetherspoon Beer Festival.
The selection meeting to confirm pubs for the 2025 Good Beer Guide.